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Setting up the meta plugin


As you can see on the left - side menu, this plugin is placed as the first one. It is because this plugin can be considered as one that influences the way, you will be writing a documentation. So, why it's so essential?

There are a few reasons:

  1. Automatic navigation building based on file and directory names. This simplifies a process of a document navigation creation in mkdocs.yml file, described in official documentation.
  2. Based on file meta-data, you can set document:

Probably you are now wondering why 2 quite different functionalities are placed in one plugin?

The answer is not so obvious and a bit technical, but in bigger simplification, it's way simpler and less complex to bound those functionalities together. The main reason for that is how MkDocs internals work. For example, when navigation is built and when final HTML files are generated. Other example could be a document status implementation that influences navigation building, file list creation and sitemap.xml creation. This process should be considered as one functionality and splitting it over 2 separate plugins is possible, but it will not only increase code complexity, but also will increase significantly complexity of configuration since many settings used for automatic navigation building are the same for defining file meta-data. So, if we split functionality into 2 separate plugins, the final user (You) will have to maintain consistency in mkdocs.yml file. With a single plugin approach, we can reduce this problem to just maintaining a single point of configuration and settings validation.


However, this plugin is not needed for other plugins to work correctly, it's highly recommended to use it.


Markdown documents can contain additional metadata that is not rendered by MkDocs. This metadata is located at the beginning of the file (more information about this you can found in MkDocs documentation in Meta-Data section).

MkDocs supports 2 main formats of meta-data:

It's preferred style since more plugins supports it and its the same format as in mkdocs.yml file. Also this format is supported by other tools (like Jekyll that is used in GitHub or GitLab)

title: Your document title
description: A short description of document content that encourage to read it

This is the first paragraph of the document.

This style is NOT prefered since not all plugins and other tools supports it.

Title: Your document title
Description: A short description of document content that encourage to read it

This is the first paragraph of the document.

YAML front matter

Since the YAML front matter format for meta-data is used by a wider set of other plugins and tools, this format will be used in this tool documentation.

Document meta-data

As described in the previous section, you can provide additional meta-data that is unique for that document, and can change some behavior of the meta plugin, but not only. Some other MkDocs plugins also utilize these types of settings. One of the plugins is pub-blogor plugins included in Material for MkDocs.

Directory meta-data

The same approach can be taken for setting this up in the case of directories. To provide meta-data values, you have to create a file inside the given directory and put the values accepted by this plugin. A list of possible settings can be found below.


In the metadata, there is a possibility to add two values related to dates.

This defines a value for the document's creation date. It's also used by a blog pluginfor blog posts ordering and a meta plugin for updating a sitemap file.

date: 2023-05-19 15:40:36

This defines a value for the document's last update date. It's also used by a meta plugin for updating a sitemap file.

update: 2023-06-12 14:16:52

Date format

Currently, the date format is hard-coded and cannot be changed, and is defined according to Python date format codes and looks like this: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S (example: 2023-06-12 14:16:52).


If the meta plugin is enabled, document navigation is automatically created by the plugin. So if you have your navigation already created, you will have to set up the navigation in the way, how meta plugin is building it. Currently, this is the only way to provide functionality like single document or directories status.

In short, navigation automatic generation works based on alphabetical order of files and directories. If you are using any IDE (like PyCharm, VsCode or Obsidian) for documents creation and editing, the way of file order you see by default in the project or file browser of the tool, is the order of the files in navigation. Probably the easiest way of file ordering is to provide some prefix with the digits (take a look at this documentation repository for better understanding). The main problem with this approach would be strange names in file URLs and documentation titles on the web page. To solve that problems, the meta plugin uses two meta-data values that are common for document files and directories:

title is responsible for document name that is visible in the generated web page.

title: Document title

slug is responsible for document URL. For more information, take a look here.

slug: document-slug

Document publication status

One of the functions provided by the meta plugin is a possibility to set document publication status. Each publication status has some implications for navigation building and links creation.

publish: true

When the document publication status is set to true (or published), the document will appear in navigation and link to it, will be visible on the generated web page.

publish: hidden

When the document publication status is set to hidden, the document will not appear in navigation, but will be generated, and it's possible to create a link to this document or enter a direct URL address.

publish: false

When the document publication status is set to false (or draft), the document will not appear in navigation and will not be generated. However, when using local document hosting by issuing the command mkdocs serve, each draft document will be generated to help with document creation and visual inspection.

Default document status

If publication status is not set for document, by default status is set to false, so the document will not be published accidentally.

Directory publication status

Publication status can also be set for whole directories. This gives you a control over the whole set of documents that are placed in given directories. Each publication status has some implications for navigation building and links creation.

publish: true

When the publication status is set to true (or published) in file, the directory will appear in navigation and link to it and documents in this directory, will be visible on the generated web page.

publish: hidden

When the publication status is set to hidden in file, the directory will not appear in navigation, but documents in this directory will be generated and could be accessible by internal linking or by passing direct URL address in the web browser.

publish: false

When the publication status is set to false (or draft) in file, the directory will not appear in navigation and documents in this directory will not be generated. However, when using local document hosting by issuing the command mkdocs serve, each directory and documents will be generated to help with document creation and visual inspection.

Default directory status

If publication status is not set for directory, by default status is set to true, so there is no need to create file in each directory.

Occasionally, you have a need to put a link to some external web page from the menu or just move one of your documents to other places in directory structure, but because of SEO it's good to put a redirection to that document from an old location. MkDocs offers you a way to put a link to an external web page but to make a redirection, you need to use an external plugin. The biggest problem with both things is that you need to edit mkdocs.yml file and this plugin is incompatible with WikiLinks etc. This is the reason why the meta plugin supports this functionality. There are 2 different ways to use redirections, and they work the same both for internal documentation files and external links.

Sometimes you may want to create a link to the external page right in one of the menus instead of a link to some specific documents you have created.

Let's consider the below directory structure:

└─ docs/
      └─ is the file you want to be the link to your company web page. You have 2 options doing it:

redirect: true

As you can see, the first option (one with line path inside metadata) is much simpler.


Sometimes you may want to move a document to a new directory but also preserve the original URL. This scenario is quite often when you share the link to your page over social media, and you cannot edit all the places, where the link was published. So, how to set up the redirection?

Let's consider the below directory structure:

└─ docs/
       ├─ archive/
       │    └─
       └─ articles/

archive/ is the file with the original content taken from articles/ file. Inside the file articles/ you have to enable redirection and put a link to the archive/ file. You have 2 options doing it:

redirect: ../archive/
redirect: true

Path has to be relative

Just remember, that path to the redirected file, has to be relative.

As you can see, the first option (one with redirection path inside metadata) is much simpler, but the second one is easier to create in tools like Obsidian.


While documentation is generated, each of the file is converted from Markdown into HTML format. MkDocs preserves directories and file names, so the URL structure is the same as the Markdown structure. Quite often, this is not the best option for SEO and you may want to change it. To achieve it, you have to provide a slug meta-data value. You can provide it for both: files and directories.

Let's consider the below directory structure:

└─ docs/
       └─ 99_other/

This will produce this kind of URL:

It doesn't look good and is difficult to remember and not good in SEO perspective. To improve it, the above URL should look like this:

To make it happen, you have to use:

  • inside 99_other directory to change its URL to other,
  • to change its URL to faq.

You have to add file inside 99_other directory, so the file structure will looks like this.

└─ docs/
       └─ 99_other/
slug: other
slug: faq

Generation mode

Slug can be generated based on one of the values:

  • slug meta-data value,
  • title meta-data value,
  • directory or file name.

There are 3 slug generation modes that combine the above methods:

  • title (default)
  • filename

Below, you can see, a simplified algorithm of how slug is obtained.

flowchart TD
    SLUG("slug meta-data")
    TITLE("title meta-data")
    FILENAME("file name")

    START --> SLUG
    SLUG --> |set| END
    SLUG --> |title| TITLE
    SLUG --> |filename| FILENAME
    TITLE --> |set| END
    FILENAME --> |set| END

Using slug meta-data

Despite the possibility to generate slug by using other methods, slug meta-data always overrides any other value.

Default slug generation mode

Slug generation mode is by default set to title.

Fallback mechanism

In case of any problem with obtaining slug value, there is also a fallback mechanism, that will use directory/file name.

MkDocs backward compatibility

When slug generation method is set to filename or fallback mechanism is triggered, slug is generated the same way as MkDocs default configuration.

Overview file

When using directory meta files, you mostly use its metadata for directory slugand directory publication status. But there is also a possibility to put some text to that file that, during a page generation, will produce a given directory index file. It means, that group of documents, can be described by a top-level document that can contain some sort of introduction, an overview or a summary. Take a look at the topic in Material for MkDocs navigation sections that describes how it looks like, and what theme features have to be enabled.


To enable the built-in meta plugin, the following lines have to be added to mkdocs.yml file:

  - pub-meta


  - pub-meta:

Above you can find all possible settings with their default values. You don't have to provide them. Just use them if you want to change some settings. The description of the meaning of given setting, you can find below.


File name containing metadata for directories. The default file name is because this file name is used by GitHub and GitLab (the two most popular git repositories providers) as an index files for the directory. By using this name, this file ideally blends into git repository when the whole documentation is stored in one.


  - pub-meta:
        enable: true
        default: auto
        key_name: slug

Above you can find all possible settings with their default values. You don't have to provide them. Just use them if you want to change some settings. The description of the meaning of given setting, you can find below.


Control if overview metadata will be used while document URL is created while generating a web page.


Defines how document slug will be generated. Possible values are described above in slug generation mode.


Metadata key name for overview value.

Publication status

  - pub-meta:
        search_in_hidden: false
        search_in_draft: false
        file_default: draft
        file_warn_on_missing: true
        dir_default: published
        dir_warn_on_missing: false
        key_name: publish

Above you can find all possible settings with their default values. You don't have to provide them. Just use them if you want to change some settings. The description of the meaning of given setting, you can find below.


When Material for MkDocs search plugin is enabled, by default, all documents are indexed and searchable (even those that are hidden by this plugin). To exclude hidden files from being searchable, normally you would have to place an additional value in each hidden document. To make things easier for you, the meta plugin handles it for you, and all hidden documents, are excluded from search. You can change this behavior by changing this value.


When Material for MkDocs search plugin is enabled, by default, all documents are indexed and searchable (even those that are draft by this plugin). To exclude draft files from being searchable, normally you would have to place an additional value in each draft document. To make things easier for you, the meta plugin handles it for you, and all draft documents, are excluded from search. You can change this behavior by changing this value.


Defines default status of publication for documents. More information about this, you can find on this page in the section document publication status.


MkDocs contains a switch for strict mode. This mode forces break of document generation on any warning and if this option is also enabled, it will force checking all documents, containing a status key defined.


Defines default status of publication for directories. More information about this, you can find on this page in the section directory publication status.


MkDocs contains a switch for strict mode. This mode forces break of document generation on any warning and if this option is also enabled, and it will force checking all directories (in fact file in directory), containing a status key defined.


Metadata key name for status value.


  - pub-meta:
        key_name: redirect

Above you can find all possible settings with their default values. You don't have to provide them. Just use them if you want to change some settings. The description of the meaning of given setting, you can find below.


Metadata key name for redirect value.


  - pub-meta:
        enable: true
        mode: title
        warn_on_missing: true
        key_name: slug

Above you can find all possible settings with their default values. You don't have to provide them. Just use them if you want to change some settings. The description of the meaning of given setting, you can find below.


Control if slug metadata will be used while document URL is created while generating a web page.


Defines how document slug will be generated. Possible values are described above in slug generation mode.


MkDocs contains a switch for strict mode. This mode forces break of document generation on any warning and if this option is also enabled, it will force check of all documents, containing a slug key defined.


Metadata key name for slug value.


  - pub-meta:
        key_name: title

Above you can find all possible settings with their default values. You don't have to provide them. Just use them if you want to change some settings. The description of the meaning of given setting, you can find below.


Metadata key name for title value.