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Plans for future development

Below lists is a list of tasks that are planned to be done (a backlog) and there is no particular order when they will be implemented. If you are interested in any of the below points being implemented in a first place or there is something missing here, please report and issue.



  • Add: blog post reading time + watch time (defined in post meta)
  • Add: possibility to disable categories and/or tags pages
  • Add: authors and update date in the template
  • Add: blog posts index template override
  • Add: language override in YAML file
  • Add: configurable date format
  • Add: auto-generate slug based on slugify (+ inject into document metadata)
  • Change: detect if meta plugin is enabled and based on its configuration use key names
  • Add: possibility to define blog directory in file when meta plugin is enabled
  • Fix: links when using meta plugin and slugs on post teasers
  • Fix: internal links in teasers
  • Fix: date format and solve the problem, when multiple posts have the same date
  • Change: temporary file location


  • Add: stats for number of minified/taken from cache files
  • Add: show overall minification ratio in %
  • Add: support for WebP files
  • Add: image lazy loading


  • Add: sitemap optimizations and creation of robots.txt file based on document status
  • Add: multiple HTML <meta name="author"> based on frontmatter authors
  • Add: multiple HTML <meta name="keywords"> based on frontmatter categories and tags
  • Add: publisher HTML value<link href="{site_url}" rel="publisher" /> that points to the main page URL
  • Add: robots HTML settings <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
  • Add: check for description and title length (SEO)
  • Add: turn off auto nav creation setting
  • Add: navigation links using in fake directory (directory is needed to preserve order of an auto navigation builder)
  • Add: dynamically generate pages for tags and categories for all documents (just like in blog)
  • Add: nav name metadata (just like in blog)
  • Add: configurable key and format for creation and update date of the document
  • Add: file/directory redirections
  • Add: publication date in the future
  • Add: creating subpages for tags and categories (need to be separated from the blog posts)


  • Add: image generator if one is not provided (similar to Material for MkDocs)
  • Add: ignored file list/pattern
  • Add: warning on missing meta key
  • Add: ignore single file based on metadata
  • Add: check for description and title length (SEO)
  • Add: set up a default image used for a social card
  • Add: site name in title control from front matter
  • Add: metadata key names from meta plugin
  • Change: detect if meta plugin is enabled and based on its configuration use key names


  • Add: mind maps (using markmap)
  • Add: simpler charts (using chart.js)
  • Add: templates (blog post, page, etc.)
  • Add: graph view (long-term goal)
  • Add: backlinks with unlinked mentions based on page title and aliases (maybe some headings titles?)
  • Add: configurable aliases in callouts with auto-add to Obsidian CSS files
  • Add: internal link's tooltip preview (use tippy.js)
  • Fix: not needed new/blank lines inside code blocks
  • Add: Obsidian settings checker/validator


  • Add: option to add markdown files to ZIP archive
  • Add: option to add graphic files and replace them with 1x1 pixel files (size reduction and anonymization)
  • Add: minifier tools version output or missing

Offline (plugin idea)

  • Add: download JS files from the internet to local directory and replace links in HTML output files
  • Add: detect, download and replace other types of files

RSS (plugin idea)

  • Add: possibility to create multiple rss feeds (blog, other pages/directories, etc.)
  • Add: xml schema for better look and feel (like

Common (plugin idea)

  • Add: date format
  • Add: language and translations
  • Add: auto-add this plugin into mkdocs.yml by other plugins


CLI tool

  • Add: project initialization that preconfigure mkdocs.yml
  • Add: create a new blog post
  • Add: document/blog post slug update
  • Add: check for minifier tools
  • Add: clean minifier cache
  • Add: minify single file using minifier
  • Add: minifier tools installation
  • Add: document/blog post publication state change


  • Integration with RSS plugin
  • How to set up and use docker image
  • Setting up CI/CD in GitHub Actions
  • This plugin development how to
  • Credits for used libraries with description (like in MkDocs Coverage Plugin)


  • Create a Docker image with everything preinstalled and preconfigured
  • Add to docker image online Vega charts editor
  • GitHub repo with preconfigured pages, etc. (can be integrated with Docker Image creation)
  • Cleanup list of code TODO's
  • Add: file to the repo
  • Move translations to jinja templates like Material for MkDocs is doing it