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v1.3.0 - 2024-04-18

It has been a long journey since the last release in October 2023. A lot has happened in my life that is not related to this project, so I didn't have too much time to work on it. But finally, there it is, v1.3.0.

Because I wanted to add an overview functionality that will unlock the possibility to use Folder Notes plugin for Obsidian, I had to rewrite almost the whole meta plugin. It was a good exercise because it allowed me to simplify the code and add unit tests, so it will be easier to maintain the plugin quality for a longer period of time.

While working on the meta plugin rewrite, I found that some backlinks are not working correctly. Fortunately, I was already working on the meta plugin where all the stuff related to links is living, so I made the fix during the rewrite.

As for unit tests for a whole project, it's just the beginning of the work. So far, I have "only" 179 tests, that covers about 38% of the whole project code. Delivering 100% test coverage will be a hard and time-consuming task, but I will try to raise the bar on each release.

There were also many smaller things added and/or changed inside a project tooling that will help me in the future to maintain good project quality and with new releases.

Unfortunately, I still didn't find much time to work on documentation extension and for preparing a template repository. I feel the need to do it, but those 2 tasks are connected, so probably both of them will be delivered at the same time.

As I'm writing this words, this project is waiting to be added to the mkdocs catalog that is a list of awesome MkDocs plugins. If you like this project, consider adding the star in project GitHub repository.



  • ❎ added internal ConfigChoicesEnum class for defining config choices
  • ❎ added code coverage badge with current coverage % value
  • ✅ documentation fixes #61
  • ✅ ruff linter settings
  • ♻️ isort has been replaced with ruff
  • ♻️ assert in unit tests changed to pytest-check to use soft assertion functionality


  • ❎ adding an overview functionality overview
  • ❎ slug auto generation if missing in file meta-data (#63)
  • ♻️ plugin rewrite + add unitttest


  • ✅ fix for backlinks destroying links additional attributes like title and anchor
  • ♻️ some code simplification and cleanup because of meta plugin rewrite


  • ❎ live reload time stamp removed from log message when show_entry_timesetting is enabled (its default value)
  • ❎ adding the possibility to remove deprecation warnings when show_deprecation_warningssetting is disabled (its default value)


❎ - added ✅ - fixed ♻️ - changed 🚫 - removed